Not sure why, somehow I never seemed interested in film. I guess I had to wait until digital arrived but the first cameras were so limiting, it took many years before I felt I could find something to work with. So I guess I was a late bloomer when it came to photography.
It seemed my eyes made up for it as I was always watching, framing and sucking up what I was perceiving around me.
I was always looking, absorbing what my eyes permitted me to see and storing it all away until I could use what I felt would arrive some day. Everything is art, I am aware, and putting a frame around something just helps us find the reference point more easily.
I found mysefl being more of a 'fire from the hip' kind of guy, not so interested in posing or searching for the perfect backdrop, not that there is anything wrong with that, but life has always presented me with surprises and taking pictures seemed to be that way also. I did not even read the manual of my first decent camera, I just went out and fired it up, and when I got back people said to me, you seem to see things that some of us miss. So there you have it, my cameras and I bid you welcome.